Wednesday 13 March 2013


The slog has produced some progress yippee!!! I am now officially linked to and you can log on to donate to Brooklyn Chest Hospital. I have also managed to finalize the printing of 500 flyers - which I think Terry from Print Plus in Cape Town is rather relieved to have behind him. I will be doing a woman's only mini triathlon for +cansa on World Aids Day (24 March) at +Val De Vie Estate and Anthony the event organizer has kindly allowed me to put flyers in the goodie bags. One frustration is that I still haven't figured out how to get my facebook page up and running, but hey I will get there. In the meanwhile email any comments to

The patients, mainly the children had a great day yesterday when the Kick TB truck came out. Thanks to TB/HIV care for organizing it and for the soccer balls, cookies and juice that was given to the children. Seeing those sweaty little faces with huge grins brings such joy. Sometimes I really wish that I could just wave a magic wand and TB will be gone. All diseases are tough, but the infectious nature of TB means that months of separation from family and loved ones is an added hurdle.

We keep going though, one day at a time, helping one person at a time. It is amazing what the human spirit can overcome as long as hope is kept alive

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