Friday 1 March 2013


We all faces different challenges in our daily lives. For some (like my housemate this morning), its dealing with the chaos of waking up 20mins before your child should be leaving for school !GULP!. Was all good they made it on time. For others the challenges are longer lasting like living with type 1 diabetes or the pain of loosing a loved one. All challenges, those that seem small and insignificant, and those that test us a little more are all part of life and training for bigger challenges.

When I train for Kili, I will need to start with smaller hills (like beautiful Lions Head in Cape Town) before attempting a bigger challenge like Table Mountain so as to increase my chances of success. The TB patients at Brooklyn Chest Hospital also face different challenges. Its Friday today, yet for many that makes little difference as families live to far to visit and weekends are just a prospect of boredom. Getting through a weekend might be tough for some... but they also know that if they want to be cured from TB they must take ecah day as it comes, taking their medication, dealing with side effects and keeping hope alive.

Today I count myself as lucky!! My biggest challenge is trying to encourage people to donate to this cause, and providing therapy to my clients aiming at installation of hope. The most frustrating thing that I am facing in the fact that I have a pimple the size of well, Lions Head on my lip... and today of all days when my gorgeous ex is visiting - thanks Murphy!! But hey if thats my biggest stress for the day, well then my life is pretty good I would say:-)

Thank you to those of you that are reading this.... watch this space for a chance to make a small contribution to the lives of our patients as we will be creating an online donation option soon.

Thought for the day: Life is not what it is supposed to be - It is what it is

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