Wednesday 20 March 2013


Different things drive different people. As a clinical psychologist working in an environment where adherence to treatment and healthy lifestyle choices are paramount to cure, motivation of people is often high on my priority list when it comes to therapy. This is not however, always what the people diagnosed with TB focus on. Their concerns are often more about worry about children at home, is their spouse being faithful and the unfairness that no one visits them bringing treats while others get lots of visitors. Problem solving capacity and cognitive abilities also vary - and so the content of sessions is often very different, yet the process is often very similar. We are all trying to cope with the varies challenges we face, and trying to stay motivated to keep trying every day to do the best that we can.

We all need to find what drives us, what for us is gas for our tank, because without knowing what we need to put in to fill up, we can't stay motivated to succeed. My motivation to climb Kilimanjaro is that I want to feel that I am making a practical as well as psychological difference to the lives of the people who pass through Brooklyn Chest Hospital. I hope that more people will say things like "getting TB was the best thing that happened to me, because it helped me become a better person". If we can teach life skills and work skills with the money that we raise, and can assist with travel grants to facilitate families visiting patients we can go far to achieving this goal. Please consider making a donation at

If you, or someone that you know has any of the following symptoms: Appetite loss, Chest pains, Tiredness, Night sweats and fever, Ongoing cough or coughing up blood, Weight loss without dieting then please ACT NOW. Tuberculosis CAN be cured.

Wednesday 13 March 2013


The slog has produced some progress yippee!!! I am now officially linked to and you can log on to donate to Brooklyn Chest Hospital. I have also managed to finalize the printing of 500 flyers - which I think Terry from Print Plus in Cape Town is rather relieved to have behind him. I will be doing a woman's only mini triathlon for +cansa on World Aids Day (24 March) at +Val De Vie Estate and Anthony the event organizer has kindly allowed me to put flyers in the goodie bags. One frustration is that I still haven't figured out how to get my facebook page up and running, but hey I will get there. In the meanwhile email any comments to

The patients, mainly the children had a great day yesterday when the Kick TB truck came out. Thanks to TB/HIV care for organizing it and for the soccer balls, cookies and juice that was given to the children. Seeing those sweaty little faces with huge grins brings such joy. Sometimes I really wish that I could just wave a magic wand and TB will be gone. All diseases are tough, but the infectious nature of TB means that months of separation from family and loved ones is an added hurdle.

We keep going though, one day at a time, helping one person at a time. It is amazing what the human spirit can overcome as long as hope is kept alive

Monday 4 March 2013

The Slog

Wow, we had amazing weather in Cape Town over these last few days! Saturday morning saw me at the Two Oceans Aquarium where I am busy training to be a volunteer. What an awesome place and I am meeting some great people. So much to see and learn there - did you know that a Blue Bottle (portuguese man - of - war in Australia) is not actually a single animal, but a colony of smaller animals! It is really incredible what a sea urchin looks like under a microscope... Like life I guess, perspectives are totally different depending on what it is you choose to focus on and how closely you study something.

My title is the slog - and thats where I am at in this journey at the moment. I went home early yesterday with a massive headache, which was rather frustrating as wanted to go for a run as I am doing a mini triathlon on 24 March which is World TB day. Thanks to my wonderful housemate who went out and got me some headache tablets and a chocolate. She truly is a blessing in my life.

My Kili plans are slowly fumbling along and I am trying to keep a broad perspective and not become too stressed.  There is still lots of things to organise and I am waiting for the link to TB/HIV care website so we can start with some fund raising.
Darren at Soul Adventures has been awesome, but I need to wait and see what date my climb will be based on when he can get a group of people together... So if you are reading this, and have ever had a desire to climb Kilimanjaro DO IT NOW!! Contact Soul Adventures, at this stage the two options are around the 19th September or 18th October. Don't study it too closely, just jump in there and make it happen:-).

I hope that you all have a great day and remember to zoom in and also out when you analyze life. How things are now are not how they will always be, nothing stays the same.

Please drop me a line:

Friday 1 March 2013


We all faces different challenges in our daily lives. For some (like my housemate this morning), its dealing with the chaos of waking up 20mins before your child should be leaving for school !GULP!. Was all good they made it on time. For others the challenges are longer lasting like living with type 1 diabetes or the pain of loosing a loved one. All challenges, those that seem small and insignificant, and those that test us a little more are all part of life and training for bigger challenges.

When I train for Kili, I will need to start with smaller hills (like beautiful Lions Head in Cape Town) before attempting a bigger challenge like Table Mountain so as to increase my chances of success. The TB patients at Brooklyn Chest Hospital also face different challenges. Its Friday today, yet for many that makes little difference as families live to far to visit and weekends are just a prospect of boredom. Getting through a weekend might be tough for some... but they also know that if they want to be cured from TB they must take ecah day as it comes, taking their medication, dealing with side effects and keeping hope alive.

Today I count myself as lucky!! My biggest challenge is trying to encourage people to donate to this cause, and providing therapy to my clients aiming at installation of hope. The most frustrating thing that I am facing in the fact that I have a pimple the size of well, Lions Head on my lip... and today of all days when my gorgeous ex is visiting - thanks Murphy!! But hey if thats my biggest stress for the day, well then my life is pretty good I would say:-)

Thank you to those of you that are reading this.... watch this space for a chance to make a small contribution to the lives of our patients as we will be creating an online donation option soon.

Thought for the day: Life is not what it is supposed to be - It is what it is