Wednesday 5 June 2013


How exciting I am into double digits of days to go until I fly to Kilimanjaro thanks to days to go! Which means that I need to raise R500 per day to reach my target. To those of you that have already donated thank you very much - to the rest of you... What are you waiting for? It's easy just go to and click on the red donate block and chose kileighmanjaro vs tb. Easy as that.

Since I started my kileighmanjaro journey I have managed to achieve quite a lot. I have done 2 trail run competitions (one 10km in the pouring rain wearing my hiking boots), a mountain bike race, a sprint triathlon and my first half marathon. I have been in the newspaper, been interviewed for two publications and been on the radio twice. So I am doing my training and marketing, and while donations have been slow, I hope that I am achieving my goal of improving awareness about tuberculosis and encouraging adherence to medication.

So now I ask you to please try to help the patients at Brooklyn Chest Hospital. Every bit helps and just R50 will help a patient to get a visit from a family member. It will also help with essential life skills and work skills to be used after discharge from hospital.

Thank you and please encourage friends and family to view this blog and to like my kileighmanjaro vs tb Facebook page.

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