Thursday 2 May 2013

Is Tb a problem?

Since starting my Kilimanjaro quest, people have sometimes asked me “is TB really such a big problem?” Well, according to the WHO, approximately 8.7 million people became ill with TB in 2011, 1.4 million people died and 10 million children were left orphaned after their parents succumbed to this disease worldwide. It is estimated that in the 22 high burden countries there are 10 million people living with active TB. Sub – Saharan Africa has the highest proportion of new cases per population in the world. In 2011 it was estimated by City Health that there were nearly 30 000 people in the City’s metro suffering from TB. 

This is a frightening situation. Most people with a reasonable immune system would be able to fight off this infection, but wants it starts to grow and symptoms manifest then treatment is required. 

Today is one of those days when I just feel so powerless in the face of this disease and it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. This happens to us all - yes even to psychologists:-) I know that tomorrow, or the next day this feeling will pass. It helps to know that I am going to leave work today, go and have a great horse riding lesson, and can then choose what I do with my evening. I sometimes feel guilty feeling down when I know that I have so much and yet the patients here have so little. We all have our burdens to carry, and most of us in essence just want to feel that we are loved, that our lives are important and that we are worthy. My patients and I share that struggle- within us we are not that different after all.

The core difference is in our external circumstances - I can go home!!

I am asking for individuals to make a donation to the cause at When you consider that our patients are unable to work while in hospital, and while they qualify for a disability grant of just over R1000 per month, the transport cost of R50 for one family member to visit is often a luxury that they cannot afford. Screening for distribution of travel grants will be done by our social workers – but we need your help in the form of a donation. Every bit helps

If you have any further questions, comments or concerns please email me at 

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