Wednesday 27 February 2013

Step 2

A friend came around last night - she did Kili last year. We looked at photos and spoke about the experience... could hardly sleep knowing its all actually happening. Darren at Soul Adventures, is an absolute star! He is looking at options of reducing my costs significantly, and my friend has offered to lend me some of her Kili Kit. Its all slowly coming together. Next step is to have my profile linked to the TB/HIV Care web site so that people can start making donations. STOP TB in our lifetime. Know the signs and symptoms, get tested if unsure and TAKE YOUR MEDICATION UNTIL THE DOCTOR TELLS YOU TO STOP!! Have a beautiful day

The start

Wow, so this is it, its really happening. I am going to be climbing Kilimanjaro as a symbol of the physical and psychological challenges that people with TB face. Amazing what can be achieved by asking the right questions to the right people